Friday, December 9, 2011

Learning Science by Exploring

Students exploring science at the RL Stevens "Build It Science Festival"
The R.L. Stevens CalSERVES after school program would like to say a special thanks to the Lawrence Hall of Science for supporting our students’ learning with the “Build-It” science festival. The instructor and festival coordinator, Jeff, did a fantastic job explaining each station to volunteers, and also kept students engaged.

The activities included constructing an arch out of wooden blocks, recognizing patterns, making a pop-up book, making structures out of newspaper, and making 3-dimensional shapes. Each class had an hour to explore the stations at the fair. Jeff emphasized that the goal of the festival was not to teach students facts, but instead to encourage exploration and creativity. CalSERVES staff and students appreciated this approach, as it led to a successful and enjoyable event.

This event also relied heavily on adult support, and would not have been possible without the generosity and involvement of our parents and volunteers. Thanks to everyone who came out and helped!

by Tyler Rockey, VIP Fellow at RL Stevens Elementary

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