The chill of fall settled upon us as the wind blew the brittle leaves down from the boughs of trees lining the plastic covered picnic tables. The third graders squirmed eagerly as their wicked plot unfurled onto their unsuspecting pumpkins. Unknowingly, their dreary fates were laid in the hands of these callous carvers. The defenseless pumpkins didn't stand a chance.
Oh the gore! Pumpkin guts were spewed across the tabletops like the stomach contents of a child who gorged himself on too much Halloween candy. The pumpkins silently screamed in horror as the devilish children carved them up like Christmas hams, only leaving hollow shells and traced out faces to commemorate their destruction.
The third graders giggled in delight over their reign of terror. After the carnage was finally over, they took their lifeless pumpkins home as souvenirs of what is infamously known today as the Pumpkin-Day Massacre.