Friday, May 6, 2011

Garden Clean Up Day at Meadow View

Christa Fox, AmeriCorps Mentor at Meadow View Elementary
The BEFORE Shot of Meadow View's Garden
On Saturday April 2nd, Meadow View mentors, students, family members, and volunteers spent some quality time in the garden pulling weeds, turning the soil, cleaning and organizing the shed, and prepping the garden for planting. With the weather improving, we are making the revamping of our garden a priority.

Meadow View has a fairly large garden and because of the success of the Garden Clean-up Day, we were able to clear the majority of weeds from the flowerbeds and walkways, as well as organize the tool shed. Many volunteers brought their own tools and gloves and got right to work.

Since April 2nd, volunteers have been working in the garden almost on a daily basis. Fruits and vegetables such as, onions, watermelon, peppers, and cantaloupe, have since then been planted and tended to by Meadow View’s Garden Club and Garden Specialist.


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