CalSERVES recruitment is in high gear for the 2013-2014 school year! We have all kinds of positions (hands on with kids, leadership roles, volunteer programs), and different schedules (full-time or part-time). There are plenty of ways to be involved and serve the community!
AmeriCorps Service Scholars
Service Scholars serve part time, 25 hours a week, providing small group tutoring to kids in the After School Program. Each Scholar specializes either Literacy (Reading and Writing), STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), or Healthy Behaviors (Nutrition and Physical Education). They plan and implement lessons for students with the goal of helping them be successful in academics and in life. These Service Scholars form close bonds with their students, and provide support and mentoring.
Learn more about the position and apply by visiting the
CalSERVES Website.
AmeriCorps Leaders
There are several full time (42+ hours a week) leadership positions available in CalSERVES. We have Service Scholar leaders at each of our After School Sites who oversee the tutoring programs and provide leadership and support to the Service Scholars. There are also Regional Leaders for the After School programs who are involved in supporting several programs. There are also Content Leaders - folks who specialize in our Content Areas (Literacy, STEM, Healthy Behaviors) that help train tutors and support the development of resources for their specific areas.
Learn more about these positions and apply by visiting the
CalSERVES Website.
Volunteer Programs AmeriCorps Leaders
CalSERVES runs statewide volunteer programs. We have opportinties to engage in community service all throughout California. These positions are full time (42+ hours a week).
Learn more about these positions and apply by visiting the
CalSERVES Website.
Benefits for AmeriCorps Service
You might have heard about some of the benefits of AmeriCorps Service - an Education Award ($5,550.00 for a full time member) at the completion of service, a living stipend while you serve, extensive training, Alumni support and services... Learn more about the benefits to you by visiting the
CalSERVES Website- Benefits of Service.
What is AmeriCorps? Who is eligible to serve in AmeriCorps? Can I defer student loans while I serve? Find the answers to these questions and more on the
CalSERVES Website - FAQ's about Service.
Can't find the answer on our website? Contact our friendly staff at!
CalSERVES is also hiring staff for office positions and After School Classroom Leaders. Learn more about these opportunities on the
CalSERVES Website - Employment.