Monday, May 17, 2010

A Trip to "The Jungle"!

Kori Farrell, AmeriCorps Mentor at Wright Charter School
One thing all of our first and second graders seem to have in common is their love for animals. That made the destination for their first field trip of the year perfect. When we told them they would be going to Safari West, a local Wild Animal Preserve, they let out a huge round of applause! It quickly was followed by questions like, “Is there going to be tigers?” and “Can we pet them?” 

When the day finally arrived the kids were more excited than ever, some even equipped with their own cameras and binoculars. All the grogginess from the bus ride disappeared once we made the final turn into Safari West. There were about 50 first and second graders, and they were all equally astonished by the sight of the lemurs, cheetahs, and birds. But I think the biggest hit was the giraffe, even if he only was peeking his head out of his house. After a long day at what some kids were calling “The Jungle”, it was time to get back on the bus, where most of the kids slept all the way back to school.

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