Jerry Noviello, CalSERVES Program Coordinator
Tutoring has begun! This is my favorite time of the year!! I can feel the energy from the excitement and curiousness and nervousness that’s mixing in the air at all of our school sites. It is a wonderful time when AmeriCorps Mentors are introduced to the student who they will tutor for the entire school year. Pretty soon all of the initial assessments will be complete and the sound of students reading from books or curriculum will fill the classrooms.
Students selected for our literacy-tutoring program all need some additional help to learn must-needed reading skills. AmeriCorps members use our thorough assessments to develop in depth lessons that target the specific needs for each of their students. It is a personalized instruction program that every year proves to yield stellar results.
As I am writing this blog posting, our AmeriCorps members are finding the instruction reading levels for each of their tutees. We then are able to choose books that students read. These books are at a difficulty level which is appropriate for each student to read along with the support of caring adult. Students who previously may not have been confident readers discover that they can be successful readers and that reading is fun!
To all of our AmeriCorps Mentors; I wish you high hopes for a great year ahead. Your dedication to service and to helping the community is an inspiration to us all.