Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Our Garden is Growing!

Since starting the garden project at Meadow View Elementary School last fall, the CalSERVES crew has accomplished a number of projects and are excited with the progress.

We have completed six new 4 ft X 4 ft X 8 ft planter boxes. To fill the beds, we used existing soil with a donation from Sonoma County Compost. We have begun repairing the irrigation system in the garden. New pipe has been laid underground and all beds have a brand-new drip system with a timer. The next step will be to find and repair a leak in one of the pipes.

We have begun work on our habitat garden, a designated space for native trees, plants, and butterfly friendly flowers. We have planted several species of plants that will attract different insects and animals. This project will be continued over summer.

Finally, we have created a new three-part compost system that can be utilized over summer and during the school year. Summer projects include restoring the outdoor classroom and creating new flower beds from existing cinder blocks. In addition, we have recruited eleven families at our school to help build a bench and support the planting and maintenance of our garden over summer.

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